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Date: February 1, 2022 | ||
Place of Simulambuco, Cabinda On the occasion of the one hundred and thirty seventh anniversary of the Treaty of Cabinda Simulambuco Luso-Cabindese 1 February 1885 and recognized at the conference in Berlin, Germany. Cabinda Government in Exile the Front for the Liberation of the State of Cabinda, F.L.E.C acronym, commemorates the anniversary date of 1, February and urges Cabindese inside celebrate discreetly. Therefore, the Cabinda Government in Exile to request a discreet celebration Cabindese account held within the oppression they suffer from the Angolan occupation forces. Such as Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland, Alsace and Lorraine to the France have been that of Nazi Germany. Nobody has the right to delete the history of a people, as a people without history is a people without a soul. This historic event is the fundamental point of the claim the just and noble cause of the Cabinda people. We the Cabinda Government in Exile launch yet another appeal to the Portuguese government to correct historical errors and return to reason, to urge the Government of Angola to leave and remove its troops from the territory of Cabinda it illegally occupies, since 08 November 1975. Cabinda The willingness of people for the independence of Cabinda is widespread.
From : Resistance in Cabinda |
Date: August 6, 2013 | ||
Malembo, Cabinda
Malembo: August 4, 2013, the secret meeting has been held in the village of Malembo in Cabinda under the Presidency of resistance Commander: Comandante Kimbuele Mpene. Comandante Kimbuele Mpene said: The Conflict of Cabinda vs Angola has not ended. How to think otherwise, because Angola MPLA regime of President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos continued the policy of refusing to negotiate with the Front for the Liberation of the State of Cabinda (FLEC). Comandante Kimbuele Mpene, opposition leader in the inside Cabinda later said: 2. If in 2002 marked the end of 27 years of civil war in Angola between UNITA and the MPLA in Cabinda the struggle for liberation is still alive. 3. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Antonio Bento Bembe, President of the Cabinda Forum for Dialogue ( FCD ) and the Angolan government has never consolidated Unfold for four years, although some contact with Commander António Luís Lopes, President of the exile government of Cabinda and FLEC , Comandante Kimbuele Mpene concluded. The fiftieth anniversary of the creation of FLEC celebrated quietly in the village Malembo in Cabinda. Comandante Kimbuele Mpene interior resistance activist suggested, that more than ever it is time for the government of Angola to open a re negotiation with FLEC for the purpose of resolving the conflict.
From : Resistance in Cabinda |
Date: August 5, 2013 | ||
The President Comandante Antonio Luis Lopes
The Government of Cabinda in exile / F.L.E.C under the leadership of Comandante Antonio Luis Lopes has appointed Datuk Agung Sidayu as the first ever Head of the Government of Cabinda in exile Representation in the Asian Countries. The formal appointment has been issued on 14 July 2013 As of 14 July 2013, The Government of Cabinda in exile / F.L.E.C, appointed Datuk Ali Tanjung, SH, M. Hum as the Lawyer of The Government in exile, both the Representative and the Lawyer bases in Jakarta the Capital City of Indonesia, the Representation office has been opened in the Central Jakarta. Its have 8 staffs members including the Head of Representation, Datuk Agung Sidayu. Datuk Agung Sidayu is a businessman and social worker since his young life, he will promote the Cabinda movement to implement peace and diplomatic efforts instead of war and violence to succeed its 50 years struggles to become Independent Country and free from Angolan annexation like Timor Leste. If Timor Leste considered and supported seriously by International communities, why not with Cabinda, said Datuk Agung Sidayu on his acceptance as the F.L.E.C Representative to Asia appointment. Background For more information
From : Presidency of the Government Tel: 0033 1 70 24 37 91 |
Date: february 6, 2006 | ||
Place of Simulambuco, Treaty Luso - Cabindese
Resistance cabindese denounced a state of siege by the Angolan occupying forces, in the territory rich in oil which is Cabinda, to prevent the celebration of the 121 th birthday of the treaty between cabindeses and Portugueses. The Angolan troops of occupation had strongly reinforced their military position in all occupied Cabindese territory, since December 25, 2005 and the houses of the catholic priests in Cabinda encircled. Cabindese resistance threatens to pose acts of civil disobedience after prohibition by the representatives of the Angolan occupation to organize the celebration marking the birthday of February 1, 1885 of the Treaty of Simulambuco which places Cabindeses under the protection of the Portuguese crown while the European powers divided the African continent. The combatants of freedom consider this treaty as bases legal for their claims with the total release of the Cabindese territory of the Angolan influence which is an old Portuguese colony.
In the years 1900, Lisbon managed Cabinda and Angola like two distinct territories (Cabinda like protectorate and Angola like province of Portugal)
The Organizations of the humans right severely criticized the awkwardness of the Angolan government. Cabinda produces approximately 90% of so-called Angolan oil.
Several offensives since 2000 and at day of the Angolan army of occupation seemed to have destroyed the bases of the combatants of the Front of Release of the State of Cabinda (FL.E.C). Cabinda lost a battle and not the war.
From : Cabindese resistance ofthe interior |
Date:November 16, 2005 |
The situation of Mr Antonio BENTO BEMBE, recently in parole in Nederland, following the warrant for arrest launched on Interpol by the United States, in accordance with the complaint deposited by Mr Brent Swan American citizen (working for the American Oil company) removed in Cabinda in October 1989, by a group armed "Military Position P-M". This last had taken part in the financial negotiation for the release of the two American hostages. Following the investigations carried out by the Cabindese government in exile, it arises that the arrest in June 2005 of Mr Antonio BENTO BEMBE had not proceeded in a room of conference for peace like had announced it the Site www.ibinda.com. www.ibinda.org. www.ibinda.net of Mr Rui Neumann, but this last had been challenged by the Dutch police force with her descent of bus. Admittedly that temptation to want to flee Dutch justice was large for him, but its conscience was to oblige it to yield in front of justice to answer the acts which are reproached to him. Indeed, to flee justice does not solve the problem, quite to the contrary, its escape makes it possible justice to draw argument on its possible culpability to make sit articles of law which not only would condemn it but will asphyxiate also the dynamics of fight that carry out the Cabindese people for his release of the Angolan yoke. The Union makes the force               Cabinda is not Angola             Live free Cabinda! |
FROM : F.L.E.C |
Date: July 1st, 2005 |
Police have used tear gas to break up a protest by Roman Catholics in Cabinda who oppose the appointment of a replacement bishop. About 100 protestors gathered Tuesday outside the main seminary in Cabinda city, where four Angolan bishops were visiting to discuss the vatican's nomination earlier this year of Bishop Filomeno Vieira Dias as replacement for retiring Bishop Paulino Madeca, a native of Cabinda. Although Bishop Dias is widely considered a rising star in the African church, many Cabindan Catholics are against his appointment, as he is not a native of the enclave, which lies wedged between the two Congos. Contacted by Lusa to comment on the disturbances in Cabinda, neither the national police headquarters in Luanda nor the Angolan Bishop's Conference (CEAST) volunteered any information on the incident. Town of Tchiowa (Cabinda) |
FROM : www.lusa.pt |
Date: February 1st, 2005 |
About ten thousands of people had paraded Sunday in the streets of Tchiowa, in a march promoted for the civilian association, to designate the 120th anniversary of the signature of the Treaty one to Simulambuco. "The march was a success and uses to occasion to launch a peace message, where daily it is registered a systematic breaking of the human rights", affirmed representative of the association, today, in declaration to the Lusa Agency. The Treaty one to Simulambuco was signed on February 1st, 1885 between the Portuguese authorities and traditional authorities of Cabinda. The representative pointed out that this was the "first time" that the local authorities had authorized a popular manifestation of this extension in the streets of the city. "During the manifestation there was no serious incident registered. The population left the street with the enthusiasm ", he emphasized. The representative of the civilian association of Cabinda closed that the institution goes to present "in the next days, a report on the real situation of Cabinda ". "If the authorities defend that Cabinda is Angola, then it is necessary that they respect populations ", he defended. The current situation in the territory also was commented by the representative of the Angolan government in Cabinda, Aníbal Rocha. He admitted the existence of cases of breakings of human rights by elements of the Armed Forces, although he emphasized that these cases had been judged and they cannot be generalized. "There were in fact some acts of indiscipline that have been committed bay elements of the Armed Forces, but all these cases have been clarified, many of them, brought to the judge ", affirmed the representative, in a published interview this end-of-week for the weekly -Angolense- that it is published in Luanda. Aníbal Rocha admitted to have received in its cabinet "some people who complained of acts of indiscipline committed by elements of the Armed Forces". According to representative, when the situation involves militaries the cases "is sent to the competent instances of the Armed Forces", while the remains are sent to the justice agencies. Aníbal Rocha criticized the attempt to generalize the existence of cases of breakings of human rights in Cabinda, defending that this problem has come to be reduced. "These cases of indiscipline, comparatively to the previous years, had diminished. Already one does not meet to the incidents with the frequency and gravity of ago", he affirmed. Relative to the military situation in the territory, Aníbal Rocha considered that it is " stable", pointing out that "it has been one year more registered that" "the circulation of people and good makes no problem without military escorts ", he emphasized. The Angolan government representation in Cabinda says this situation results from the gradual improvement of the conditions of life of the population in Cabinda, since "some of the politics claims have as base the release the difficulties where the people live". "I am convinced that the resolution of the social problems of the population is determinative for the total stability in Cabinda", considered Representative Mr. Aníbal Rocha. The problem, according to representative, is that the mount of money of six million monthly dollars, fixed 10 years as quota for the Cabinda prescriptions of the oil, already it does not suffice for the necessities. "This quota was fixed for ten years and, obviously, already it does not serve for the real necessities of the territory", he affirmed, adding that the Cabinda "absolutely does not receive more anything from the Master budget of the Angolan government". Therefore, Aníbal Rocha preferred to renounce these six million deriving monthly dollars of oil prescriptions and to start to work local with generated tax revenues that they are very superior. "If they gave to me to choose between the six million and local prescriptions, I would say without hesitating that I preferred to work with what were to collect local, that it is two times more of the one than we are to receive ", he affirmed. The Treaty of Simulambuco between The Portuguese and Cabindese Authorities |
FROM : www.lusa.pt |
Date: January 13, 2005 |
For the Governement of Cabinda.
FROM : F.L.E.C Tel/Fax: 0033 1 70 24 37 91 |
Date : March 20, 2004 |
Motion of protest of the Cabindese Government in exile... We, the Liberation Front of the State of Cabinda (F.L.E.C), all of the citizens of Cabinda as well as the president of Cabinda in exile; condemn the subjective and unilateral decision of the government of the United States of America for sentencing Mr. Arthur TCHIBASSA, a combatant for the freedom of Cabinda, to twenty four years and six months of isolation and a fine of $300,000. We recognize the actions of Mr. TCHIBASSA as a legitimate plea for the liberation of the people of Cabinda from Angola. Angola has commenced unsavory alliances with American oil companies such as Gulf, Chevron and Texaco. These companies have managed to systematically plunder our oil reserves while the people of Cabinda, who are the rightful beneficiaries of any profits of oil, live in abject poverty and misery. If acts of terrorism occur at the oil site of Malongo, which is located twenty kilometers away from the capital Tchiowa or if oil sites are sabotaged off the coast of Cabinda, we cannot be held responsible. If such instances occur, it is the sole responsibility of the government of the United States of America and its biased, unwarranted decision to hold Mr. TCHIBASSA captive. As a result of the urgent need to continue our objectives, the government of Cabinda will meet during the month of April, most likely the 25th, with all members and sympathizing friends in Paris, France. It is our hope that we establish appropriate and equitable solutions for the unconditional liberation of Mr. Arthur TCHIBASSA. Cabinda is not Angola! Live the unit Cabindese! Long Live Cabinda!
FROM : F.L.E.C. Tel: 0033 1 70 24 37 91 |
DATE: February 26, 2004 |
FROM : www.lusa.pt |
DATE: April 25, 2003 |
FROM : www.lusa.pt |
DATE: July 16, 2002 |
FROM : Reuters |
DATE: December 12, 2000 |
Large gathering of daughters and sons cabindeses in Paris... The Front of Liberation of the state of Cabinda (F.L.E.C.) comes by the present one to invite you the gathering that he organizes at the beginning of the next year, saturday January 06 2001.
· Tel: 0033 1 48 57 04 65
· Fax: 0033 1 48 57 04 65
FROM : FLEC Secretariat with information |
DATE: May 02, 2000 |
May 07 2000, a meeting will be held with bets, at the time of the preceding meetings, between cabindese of the diaspora, and the members of the government, of the urgent recommendations for a dynamic management, always with the service of cabindese and of the cabinda, were unanimously made. Several cabindese were invited to this meeting, we count on your good comprehension for a massive participation · Tel: 0033 1 70 24 37 91
· Fax:: 0033 1 70 24 37 91
SOURCE: FLEC Secretariat with information |
DATE: March 19, 2000 |
The office of the cabindese government in exile of the FLEC received information on the release of our compatriots who passed more than eighteen months in the prisons of Mr Laurent Desiré KABILA. According to our sources of information, is was released on December 22, 1999. We thank the nongovernmental organizations for the work which they make for humanity.
FROM : FLEC Secretariat with information |
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