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1883 (September 29th) :
The treaty of Chinfuma. 1884 (November 26th) : The treaty of Chicamba. 1885 (February 1st) : The treaty of Simulambuco between Portugal and the cabindese native authorities. 1885 : The Conference of Berlin recognized the splitting of Congo in three parts, that is to say French Congo , Belgian Congo and Portuguese Congo with it's general governor. Birth of Cabinda. At the time when the colonial powers shared Africa juggling with the borders the treaty of Berlin took away the north bank of the Congo, which was up until then one of the trading post, from PORTUGAL granting it a fallback territory = CABINDA. 1956 (May 28,): In order to administer its overseas colonies cheaply, PORTUGAL decided to put CABINDA and Angola under the authority of the same general governor on the model of the F.E.A. by grouping 4 distincts territories or on the model of what was called the Congo-Rwanda-Urundi. 1960 (October 6th) : M. Tchichelle, vice-president of the Republic of Congo-Brazzaville, Minister of foreign affairs, demanded the total independence of CABINDA from the U.N.O.. 1963 (August 4th) : In Pointe-Noire, Republique of Congo, fusion of the Cabindese nationalist movements into the Front of Liberation of of the state of CABINDA (F.L.E.C). 1964 : The O.A.U. (Organisation of African Unity) put CABINDA at the 39th position on the list of the African countries that decolonized, distinctly Angola put at the 35th. 1975 : Declaration at the tribune of the O.A.U. bu the Minister of foreign affairs of Congo, Mr David Charles Ganao, and the head of the delegation sent from Zaïre to Ethiopia, the citizen called BAGBENI Adeito NZENGEYA, the Zaïrese ambassader in Ethiopia. 1975 (November) : Launching of the figth armed by the Forces of Liberation of of the state of CABINDA (F.L.E.C). Historical and juridical foundations :The 500 years of the colonial history of Angola (1482-1975) extremely far from the 90 years of the occupation of the Portuguese protectorate in CABINDA (1885-1975), by the same and similar oppressing country, that is to say Portugal, define and confirm one fact : the undeniable existence of a real history which is clearly marked by the double way of the two sovereign peoples placed in two countries that are not border. That is the reason why the continuation of the same natural and logical deviding line is as follow : the diving line bettween both territories defines them as two distinct nations as the text and the context of the Portuguese political constitution - at the time of the decolonization which was improbably unfinished in CABINDA - comfirm it. So the verdict of history was not respected at all in CABINDA as opposed to what appened in all the modern states, this was seen and know by the international community which has not said anything up to now in spite of the relevance of the great deal of historical category, makes CABINDA a "protectorate" by rights and not a "colony" strictly speaking. Besides, simply dealing with all aspects of the devious past that was forced on the Cabindese people, one can make any impartial observer notice that CABINDA has never been an integral part of Angola and that fact was publically declared and accepted some weeks ago by the president of the UNITA (National Unity for the Total Independence of Angola), Mr Jonas SAVIMBI who said : "CABINDA has never been an integral part of our country". In opposition to this relevant and honest statement, the alvor agreement, which lapsed as soon as it was signed, is the only one medium of the pretentions spreading Angola over the Cabindese territory. Therefore, it is unimaginable that this agreement violated and revoked by the signatories who do definitely not know about this topic, should represent the foundation of the Angolan official position through which, without the slightest qualm, they still dare to confirm the current occupation of CABINDA by the Angolan state. Nevertheless, far be it from us to teach history, here are three evidence that stregthen the Cabindese position : FIRST : Thirty years before the signing of the three Luso -Cabindese Treaties of 1883-1884-1885 between the emissaries of the portuguese crown on the one hand and the Princes and notables of CABINDA on the other hand, the general governor of Angola at the time met the emissaries of the Kingdom of CABINDA three times, the cast one of which was done with 21 cannon fires. Those Ambassadors only came to request the definition of their nationalities as " Portuguese " without dezay from the king of Portugal in order to avoid some contesting of other competing forces (cf official papers of Angola n° 388 of march 5th 1853 P. n° 483 of December 30 th 1854 P.P. 1-2 n° 571 of september 6th 1854 P.P. 4-5 see the three texts in the "Tramitês para a Libertaçao do Estado de CABINDA" by the FLEC - 1992). Now if CABINDA was really an integral part of Angola, why would those Cabindese emissaries come to request the portuguese nationality which was already obtained by the whole of angolan population ? SECOND : At the beginning of the occupation there is a piece which says that in 1885 Portugal used the treaties signed with the kingdom of CABINDA in order to assert its territorial rights over them presenting them as "Protectorates". Those protectorates of Cacongo, Loango and Ngoio (Whose fusion formed the current CABINDA), were mentionned in the official texts such as "territories north of the river Congo" and not as the angolan territory nor as an integral part of Angola in terms of dependence, which, besides, would be against the act of the international conference in Berlin of february 14 th 1885 (Cf copies of the originals of this conference in the archives of torre de Tombo, Lisbon, Portugal; see also the texts held in the "Tramites para a Libertaçao do Estado de CABINDA" by the FLEC - 1992). THIRD : On the eve of the declaration of the independence of Angola in 1975, the P rime Minister of the portuguese governement (Communist) and the President of the Republic of Portugal (Communist) acknowledged in public that they were not able to control the situation. That is the reason why they repealled the so-called alvor agreement by the 458-1/74 Law while keeping the date of the independence everything was done so that the proposition of Angola, with annexed CABINDA (According to the clause 3) should be given to the international communism through the MPLA for the independence that would be then declared by Portugal under an act translated by the official expression " to the Angola people in general " (CF DIARIO DE GOVERNO, I serie, N°194 of August 22nd 1975 p.p. 1292, see also " Trâmites para a libertaçao do estado de CABINDA " by the FLEC 1992). Furthermore, beyond those three evidence that are so conclusive among others which are also justified and tested, the Cabindese nationalist resistance represented at the table of negotiations in progresse by the FLEC renewed will not let any place for unproductive debates talking about the constitutionality of the Cabindese fact because of the lack of competence and legitimacy from the Angolan speakers who can absolutely not take back the legal authority of Portugal over CABINDA because in fact, it would only deal with the same debates as the ones that were held in the past, that is to say deaf and dumb language around endless scholatic and unproductive quarrels which are affected by unconfessed instings and extremely against the truth of history and against the common sense. Decolonisation maps of Africans countries
![]() Dates of independence acquisition