The CABINDA is a state located in Central Africa, bordered on North by the Republic of Congo,
on East and South by the Democratic Republic of Congo, the last border, being the Atlantic Ocean itself. The
logical consequence is : from Miconje to Ièma and from Massabi to Nzenzé de Lucula, CABINDA is Territorial
Entity recognized by the 1933 Constitution of Portugal, distinctively from Angola which is a former Portuguese
colony, since the XVth Century.
Therefore, it is obvious that CABINDA is really a State, and not an enclaved province as it is commonly
believed. Objectively, CABINDA has no common border with Angola, a country which is occupying militarily
and illegally CABINDA.
Today, the Cabindese Refounders of the F.L.E.C. called their popular uprising the Front of Liberation
of the State of CABINDA (F.L.E.C.).
The Resistants refounding CABINDA settle their actions on the basis of the International Rights which
autorise any Tenitory illegally occupied to submit their case to the United Nations Organization ( O.N.U ),
although it is not a Member, as clearly stipulated in the articles 33 and 34 of the UN Charter.
In 1964, the Organization of African Unity ( U.A ) classified CABINDA as the 39th State of Africa to be
Weather and Hydrogiraphy :
CABINDA is one of the richest country of the continent with sweet water. The most important river is
Chiloango River, the others are located in the Mayombe.
CABINDA which is located on the equator's a tropical climate with two seasons : from May to September,
the dry season, and from September to April, the rainy season with high température and humidity.
However, on the seaside, trends are as follows : high températures and high rain ratio, with equatorial
tendencies; wet weather with moderate températures.
Population :
The population number is 600,000 inhabitants, based on the last census in 1995, taking no account of the
Cabindese people living abroad : approximately 400,000 citizens.
Main urban centers : Tchiowa, Landana, Buco Zau, Belize, Malongo, Malembo, Massabi, etc.
Natural Resources :
- Forest : huge resources in various species.
- Fishing : abundant fishing coastal areas on many kflometers.
- Games : large varieties of wild animals of the african savannah : elephants, lions, buffaloes, etc...
and also exceptional species such as black antelopes and hippopotamus.
- Mineral Resources : crude oil, gold, diamond, etc...
- Agriculture : fertile lands allow large varieties of cultures such as, coffee, beans, bananas, manioc,
fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.
1. General Articles
Article 1 : Constitution and Denomination
The present Charter settles a popular uprising for liberation calied "Front of Liberation of the State of
Article 2 : Headquarters
The adress is :
E-mail: - Internet:
It will be transferred to the 1iberated zones of CABINDA at the right time upon the decision
of the members of the govemment in exile, or in any other places of neighboring countries of CABINDA, until
complete independence
Article 3 : Duration
The duration of F.L.E.C. is unlimited.
Article 4 : Motto
The motto of F.L.E.C. is :
Article 5 : National Flag
The CABINDA and the F.L.E.C. National Flag is blue, gold and black, with, in its center, the logo representing the
monument of the Treaty of Simulambuco (signed between Portugal and CABINDA in 1883/1884/1885).
Article 6 :
F.L.E.C. is a democratic association where any Member is allowed to talk constructively in order to
contribute effectively to the right management of the association until final victory.
2. Aims
Article 7 : Object and General Principles
The F.L.E.C.'s main object is the struggle for liberation by diplomatic means, because of the overwhelming
armaments of Angola on our National Territory and as a consequence of the awake of consciousness of the
Cabindese People to claim their Human and Citizens' Rights in their national Territory.
Article 8 :
The mission of our army of liberation is to defend our country as soon as it is necessary, beside diplomatie
means on which we settle our present struggle, also the enemy is over-armed; the army could start any
counter-stroke against the occupants without warning.
The forces of our army will be assigned according to their seniority :
- Military Zone n°l will be reserved to the Land Forces and their Head-Quarters ;
- Military Zone n°2 will be reserved to the Air Forces (special troops and commandos ) ;
- Military Zone n°3 will be reserved to the Naval Forces.
Article 9 :
The F.L.E.C. is founded on the principles defined by the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights and the
rights of the Citizens.
These principles are :
- Freedom,
- Democracy,
- Development and equal opportunities,
- Solidarity between Cabindese Citizens living in free areas and between refugees living in neighboring
countries, in misery and forgotten by the rest of the World.
Article 10 :
The F.L.E.C. is open to any Cabindese or aliens who adhere to the present charter and to the strategic
objectives of the association.
Any Cabindese Citizen is entitled to hold a Cabindese National identity Card.
Article 11 :
The F.L.E.C. is composed of Active Members, directly affiliated, Members of Honor and Fellow Associates.
a) Active Members are part of the basic structures, they adhere to this Charter and actively contribute to
the struggle for the Independence of CABINDA. They regularly pay their Membership Fees.
b) Members of Honor : this title is dehvered by the Committee of Directors to some Very Important
Persons according to criteria defined by the Internal Rules. Members of Honor may participate to all
activities and may vote.
c) Fellow Associates do not participate actively and regularly to the F.L.E.C's activities ; however,
they hold a Membership Card delivered by the association. They may neither vote or be elected in the various
departments of the association.
Article 12 : Conditions of Adhesion
Any Adhesion Request must be formulated in writing by the Applicant.
Admission of new members are decided by the Committee of Directors who are not compelled to explain their
decision in case the request is rejected.
Article 13 :
Any Member agrees to respect the Articles of this Charter which are communicated to him upon his effective
3. Revenues
Article 14 :
F.L.E.C.'s revenues consist in :
- Membership Fees,
- Members' donations,
- Subsides granted by States which are favorable to the Independence of CABINDA,
- Any other donation and legacy.
Article 15 : Fees
Fees are deterrained annually the Committee of Directors, both for active Members and Fellow Associates.
Article 16 : Members' Rights
Any Member has the Right :
- To vote and be elected,
- Formulate oral or written propositions concerning any question on the Association's life, during
- To talk freely and openly during meetings of the Association,
- Forward to the Committee of Directors any information he should have.
Article 17 : Lost of Membership
The Membership is lost when :
- Member dies,
- Resignation of Member is sent to the Committee of Directors of the Association,
- Exclusion of Member is pronounced by the Committee of Directors for treason against the
struggle for independence or for any other serious offense against the Charter, with prejudice
moral or material prejudice to the Association,
- Dismissal of Member is pronounced by the Committee of Directors for repeated and non
justified payment of Membership Fees.
Before any eventual decision of dismissal or exclusion conceming a Member, he vàll be invited to
provide written explications to the Committee of Directors .
Article 18 : Members' Duty
No Member of the Association could be considered as personally responsible for any commitments made by the
No Member of the Association could commit himself for the Association without a warrant of the Committee of
4. The Congress, the Committee of Directors or the Government.
Article 19 :
The Congress is the highest organism of the F.L.E.C.
Ordinary meetings are held every three years. Extraordinary meetings could be held according to the
circumstances. Then, the decision to call for an Extraordinary Congress taken by the Committee of Directors
of the Association, with a majority of votes of two third.
The Congress will settle the Questions of the Day of the meetings and will inform all the F.L.E.C.'s
federations four months before the date of meeting.
Article 20 :
The following persons may attend a Congress Meeting and vote :
- Delegates of Federations,
- Members of the Committee of Directors (or Govemment),
- Members of the Committee of honor.
The Delegations of the Federations are consisting in the Members of the Federal Committees and of the
Delegates elected by each Federation during a preparatory Convention before the Congress.
Any Member attending the Congress hold one vote. Vote ballots are secret.
Article 21 :
All Congress decisions are taken by the majority of Members' votes. Vote ballots are secret.
Article 22 :
The Congress is competent for :
- Detemining the Association's orientations in political, diplomatic and social and cultural affairs,
- Proceeding to eventual modifications of this Charter,
- Eventually, after acceptation of the Annual report, granting the Congress' Warrant to the Committee of
Directors (Govemment),
- And, at last, taking any necessary decisions, with general means, to insure the good management of the
Association for its struggle. The Congress' decisions apply to any Departments of the Association and its
5. Discipline
Article 23 :
Any transgression of the Charter, or of the Program of Action, or the decisions, or the general orientations,
or the Internal Rules, and more generally speaking of any fondamental principle or any detrimental attempt
or breaking to the Union or any will be punished in conformity with the Internal Rules.
Article 24 :
Before punishing a Member of the Association, it is compulsory to inform him for what offenses he could be
He must be informed one month before the meeting.
If the Member of the Association does not present his arguments by writing within one month the Committee of
Directors could take any appropriate decision.
However the Member could appeal on the sentence and the Congress must examine the case again.
Article 25 :
Only the Congress could exclude a Member of the Committee of Directors (Govemment) .
Article 26 :
Any Mernber convinced of Treason will be radiated from the the Association.
At CABINDA's independence, he will be tried by a Cabindese People's Tribunal.
6. Modification, Revision and Dissolution
Article 27 :
The Congress only may decide to revise or modify the Charter.
However, the dissolution of the Association will not be possible as long as CABIMA is not free and
Article 28 : The Committee of the F.L.E.C.'s Refounders
The following Members have decide to refound the Front of Liberation of the State of CABINDA :
- M. Antonio Luis LOPES
- M. Alphonse MOUNTOU
- M. Henri GIESKES
- M. Sansao MENDES
- M. TATI Antonio
- M. Kisoka PATA
- M. Delgado DIAMUBENI
- M. Rodrigues KEN-DRIK
Established in Drachten, December, 22th 1996